Thursday, March 8, 2007

So excited! So exciting! HUFC Rocks!!!

I am so excited! I just wish I can type faster!

There seems to be many things happening now and I am just tripping over in my enthusiasm to share with all of you that... we may get to interview some HUFC players in near future! And post the interviews right here at our very own HUFC blog! Hooray!

While things have not been firmed up yet, it is a happy thought that we will get to know more about our favourite players! There are so many things that I want to find out from them, things that one would not usually read in the newspapers or magazines. And I hope that my trusty Nikon compact digital camera would be able to take super nice photographs of the players. EXCLUSIVE MANZ!

Imagine!!! Only at HUFC blog can our friends get up close and personal with the players. Oh man. I am just so happy thinking about it. *Grinz from ear to ear*

Tell me, peeps! WHOSE interview would you like to read and WHAT questions do you want to ask? Who knows? We may just be able to get them answered!

Leave your questions as comments to this post and we'll see! Also, I've got this VERY VERY STRONG VIBE that HUFC is going to have a good year this year! Wooohooo!!!!

*Cheers* Everywhere we go-oh, people want to know-oh, who we are-rh, so we tell them, Hom-e Unite-d... *sings happily to herself*


rinnayako said...

lionel!! hee
and all home u players.
they each deserves a feature for their fans yeah :)

Morning's Light said...

Am so glad to see your comment too! Do you have any questions for Lionel? We can see if it's something we can ask Lionel during an interview. =)

rinnayako said...

hmm when he's getting married? lol
maybe qns on his future plans etc.
ouh and i heard he's heading to US for trial. is it true?

Morning's Light said...

Hmm.. That's news! I've never heard about it yet.

cloudmuse said...

Let's stand together and cheer our team on - HOME UNITED, HOME UNITED, HOME UNITED!