Saturday, June 2, 2007

Of kids and football

cannot remember exactly which day this was, or exactly why I drove past that place. To cut a long story short, I was driving past the old Police Academy and saw a lot of kids going in with full soccer gear + lots of giggling and cheer. So being a kay-poh I drove in, parked by the side and just took a 5 minutes break to watch the many matches taking place there. The field (and it's a big field) was peppered with vibrant color jerseys donned by eager little kids (primary school I think) playing or waiting for their turn to play soccer. It was a H20 sponsored event, I think, but I am not sure what the competition was about. But considering their age, I must say kids nowadays play good football man. They are nimble, quick, smart and playing their hearts out --- that's where the future of our football lies. Amongst them maybe our next Fandi or Sundram. It was a joy watching them, and I'm glad I took some time (albeit short) to watch them play --- made my day.

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